Nottinghamshire Archery Competitions 2015


The Nottinghamshire Archery Competitions list for 2015 has recently been compiled and is attached below.  The three County League shoots have been highlighted in Yellow, and the four County Team Qualifying shoots highlighted in Green.

If you would like to enter any of the league shoots, please see Shai (rather than the Club Secretary as listed).  The competitions are very friendly and we would like to continue our excellent Smurf turnout throughout the year which began at the Indoor Championships.

The Tri-Counties Competition will be held by us on 2 August (highlighted in blue).

Entry forms for most of the competitions can be found on the County website.

Our own website contains a comprehensive list of competitions through Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands which updated regularly, so keep an eye on it for any new competitions or amendments.

County Competition List 2015 County Competitions 2015