Only complete this form if you have been asked to do so by Burton Joyce Archers, otherwise your submission will be ignored.
Please complete one form per person.
You will receive an automated response with details of your submission. Once processed, you will receive a further email from the membership secretary with the membership fee and instructions on how to pay (payment is by Bank Transfer).
By checking this box you consent to the following:
By becoming a member of Burton Joyce Archers you will automatically be registered as a member of Archery GB, Nottinghamshire Archery Society and East Midlands Archery Society. We will provide Archery GB with your personal data above, which they will use to enable access to an online portal ( which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings and personal details. If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with Archery GB, please contact
We will provide Nottinghamshire Archery Society with your Name, Date of Birth and Archery GB Number.
By checking this box, you consent to the usage of your information as set out below:
The club uses Golden Records Desktop and Golden Records Online to record scores and calculate handicaps. The online version allows archers to access their own records, including handicaps and submit scores remotely. In order for the club to create your online record the following details are required to be uploaded:
The data will be stored in accordance with UKGDPR and the company is registered with the UK Information Commissioner and held within a Microsoft UK data centre.