The Poplars has been booked on Monday 21st March at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to run a coaching session on Recurve bow set up.
You all need to know how your bow is set up so that you are aware when things are going wrong with it. It is not always you!!!
Properly set up bows will give you much better results. So come along and give it a go. We will be setting up the bows for the beginners course so you will get the chance to practice on club equipment if you don’t want to tamper with your own.
If we have time we also introduce bow/arrow tuning.
Come along all welcome if you already know it come along and help others and set up the bows for the training course.
An essential bit of equipment for you all is a bracing gauge, if you have one bring it with you, for those who have not got one come and learn how to use them and get one next time you go to the shop.